Summer update

Sunday, June 30, 2019

I am thoroughly embarrassed that it’s been six months since I’ve blogged! Looking back on it now, I’m not sure how I managed to blog every day while in Florence (which by the way, feels like a Renaissance ago).

I arrived to Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center on Memorial Day with the hope to have a recharging, relaxing summer detached from home and school (and Snapchat). Junior year was an utter whirlwind in more ways than one, so I chose a summer on the beach over running around Manhattan. I couldn’t be happier with my decision! As the marketing intern, my days are filled with taking photos of the conferees on campus, posting on the nonprofit’s Instagram account, and improving my Adobe skills through creating print content. Being here for the summer reminds me of fond memories of vacationing here with my family as a kid growing up.

I drift to sleep listening to the waves crash on the shore, and I am working and living with international student workers who hail from Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nigeria, Thailand Turkey, and Russia. It has been a real treat learning about their native cultures and showing them an American way of life. This experience has motivated me further to apply for an English Teaching Assistant Fulbright scholarship in Vietnam. Drafting two, single-spaced essays has proven to be a good summer challenge 🙂

Left to right: Uuree, Amy, Me, Pond, Beyza

Amy and Pond share a connecting room with me, and I brought them to Target last week. As you can tell, I picked out some American “essentials” for them to try.


When I’m not working in the office, I am at the Planet Fitness in Biddeford whipping myself into shape for fall ball, searching for southern Maine’s best lobster roll, and writing letters or reading at one of my favorite coffee joints in the area.

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Rapid Ray’s has a great roll for a bargain: $9.25

I’m treasuring the alone time this summer has gifted me. In many ways, Ferry Beach feels like my own personal retreat. I miss Florence and the independence I had there in a foreign city. Moving to Maine for three months still gave me that sense of adventure of navigating somewhere new.

My parents have visited now twice, and I’ve loved having them here. This afternoon the three of us and my grandmother ventured to the LL Bean flagship store in Freeport.


It’s hard to believe this week is already the week of July Fourth. I’m planning on heading up to Sebago Lake next Sunday to visit my roommate, Jill. I went to Boston a few weekends ago and hope to make it to Burlington, Vermont before summer’s end. Other than that, I’m trying do something unusual for me. And that is: staying in one place!

The next big thing? Turning 21 on July 17!! Here’s hoping your summer is just as sweet as mine. xo ~ e.

PS* Check out my portfolio page… I updated it this week!

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